Reverse Engineered Object - Progress 1


My chosen object was a small handheld flashlight. The First step I took was to create the outer shell of the object. I did this by taking the height and diameter measurements. Where ever the object changed in size got a new circle. I then created the geometry by lofting these circles together to create the shells.

Once I had the exterior shell of the flashlight constructed, I started on the lightbulbs. To create this, I made one bulb shape using a cylinder and a sphere. Once I had to measure them to the proper dimensions, I mathed out how many bulbs there were, the amount of space between them, and the angles in which they rotate around an axis.

Flashlight end with glass in it.

Flashlight end without glass.

The final thing I did was split the shells into pieces so that I could begin to model the inside surface. I did this by taking a cylinder and using BooleanSplit to separate the shell into three separate pieces. Then, using the strategy that we learned last week in class, I began making a thread that screws into the various pieces of the flashlight.


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